Tuesday, 28 February 2017

15 - A New Short Film

Well - it's amazing the way life turns out.

Back in November / December when I attended the Monaco Film Fest, I ran into a friend who I'd met a couple of years previously. He too is an award winning writer and producer. After the festival Neil (as is his name) came down to Cannes and one balmy evening we chewed the cud about the future and agreed to work on something in the future.

That night (before / during / after some drinks) we talked about a particular short project that was gestating in my mind which I was calling "15" - I pitched, we discussed and we went our separate ways and allowed the idea(s) to percolate.

Well - here we are a couple of months later and I'm happy to announce that "15" has been greenlit and we will be shooting the film in the UK in June! Amazing how this has come about (and so quickly) but we are both really excited and want to strike whilst the iron is hot. Neil has written the script (with some input from me, natch!) and will be producing through his company MIDAS LIGHT FILMS LIMITED - I will be directing.

As we are just finalising casting etc - I'll leave it here for now but will update as the weeks / months progress.

Buzzing, Buzzing.

FEAR Issue 40

Don't forget to check out Issue 40 of FEAR - out now - which includes my usual column. This time I write about some very weird stuff which had happened to me during January / February - let's hope 2017 gets a lot better for all of us ;>)


Gruesome Grotesques Phantasmagoria Presents Anthology

Really happy to announce that my short story "The Pale Emperor" appears in this exciting new anthology compiled / edited and published by Trevor Kennedy. I've worked with Trevor a couple of times already and as well as being a cool guy he really knows his stuff so it was an honour to be asked and a pleasure to write something for him - I'm in good company.

John Gilbert of FEAR Magazine provides an excellent introduction.

The anthology appears in both ebook / paperback and can be ordered via the link below:

Gruesome Grotesques Phantasmagoria Presents Anthology

And thank you to Romain Collier for providing the inspiration for the story in the first place.
